Forced labour
인권침해 유형- 인권침해 입증 조건
- Forced Labour: A public official was in some way responsible for, involved in, or consented to the forced labour
- Forced Labour: Extracted involuntarily
- Forced Labour: Work or service for more than 60 days in a period of 12 months
- Forced Labour: Work or service that is conducted under the menace of penalty, such as physical violence, deprivation of food or water, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
- 구성 행위
- Forced Labour: Imposing excessive labour on convicted detainees with labour training sentences
- Forced Labour: Imposing excessive labour on convicted detainees with re-education sentences
- Forced Labour: Other forms of labour exploitation of detainees (in holding centres, detention centres etc.)
- Forced Labour: Re-educational labour at city/county-level labour training centres
- 법률문서
5 관계, 5 개의 엔티티,