Violation of Right to Health_A1629
Human Rights Violations- Violation Type
- Violation of Right to Health
- Legal Elements
- Violation of Right to Health: A person has been restricted of their right to health
- Violation of Right to Health: A public official was in some way responsible for or involved in the violation
- Constituting Acts
- Violation of Right to Health: Failure to provide nutritionally adequate food, or the incorporation of inedible substances into food
- Violation of Right to Health: Lack of drinking water
- Violation of Right to Health: Lack of means to maintain personal hygiene
- Violation of Right to Health: Lack of sanitation
- Year of Violation
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- Location Where the Violation Occurred
- Affiliated Organisation
- Ministry of People's Security
- Province Where the Violation Occurred
- South Pyongan
- Event
- Event1
- Date Range
- Sep 1, 1998 ~ Jan 31, 2000
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6 relationships, 6 entities