Sexual and Gender-based Violence_A1549
Human Rights Violations- Violation Type
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence
- Legal Elements
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence: Acts of sexual nature
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence: Acts were 1) inherently violent or 2) forcible or committed during the time when the detainee was unable or unwilling to give consent
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence: Acts were committed by a public official or officials against the detainee
- Constituting Acts
- Sexual and Gender-based Violence: Stripping a person of an individual’s reproductive autonomy through forced abortion
- Year of Violation
- 2011
- Location Where the Violation Occurred
- Affiliated Organisation
- Ministry of People's Security
- Province Where the Violation Occurred
- South Pyongan
- Event
- Event1
- Date Range
- Aug 1, 2011 ~ Nov 30, 2011
sorted by
Date added
4 relationships, 4 entities