Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A2383
Human Rights Violations- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
- Legal Elements
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: A public official was in some way responsible for, involved in, or consented to the arbitrary arrest
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: An individual has been apprehended or taken into custody
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: The arresting authorities did not invoke a legal basis for the arrest (procedural rights), namely: 1) The victim was not notified of the reasons for arrest and charges at the moment of the arrest and 2) The arresting authorities did not possess a valid arrest warrant
- Constituting Acts
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Denial of access to a judge or judicial officer
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Denial of proceedings for release from arbitrary arrest/detention
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Detention not authorised by a judge or judicial officer
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Lack of notice of the reason for arrest
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Lack of presentation of a valid arrest warrant
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty: Lack of prompt notice of the charges
- Year of Violation
- 2008
- Location Where the Violation Occurred
- Affiliated Organisation
- Ministry of People's Security
- Province Where the Violation Occurred
- Ryanggang
- Event
- Event1
- Date Range
- Sep 1, 2008 ~ Sep 30, 2008
- Responsible Perpetrator
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7 relationships, 7 entities