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30 shown of 10000+ entities
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A0361
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A0346
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0346
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_3_A0346
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0451
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A0468
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0468
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0784
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A0718
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0718
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A0719
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0720
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0850
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0866
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A0776
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1029
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1160
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1158
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1124
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1122
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1120
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1091
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1093
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1206
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1202
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1226
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1222
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1223
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1225
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A1240
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations