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30 shown of 10000+ entities
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1668
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A2016
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A0659
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1858
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1617
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A1501
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1593
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A1947
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1953
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1849
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_3_A1923
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1533
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1536
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1537
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1538
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1539
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1541
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1535
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A1652
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_2_A1652
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A1885
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1837
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A2129
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1670
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1671
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_1_A1757
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1764
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A1688
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A0603
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty_A2042
- Violation Type
- Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty
Human Rights Violations